Friday, March 30, 2018

Final Email

Email Template
Help Cure PTSD of Descendants of American Salves
Dear «agent_name»,

Would you forward this to «celebrity_full_name».
You supported many worthwhile causes

This is a movement to improve lives of millions of descendants of American salves suffering from Post Traumatic Slave Disorder, passed down through generations. This disorder is described in Joy Degruy's book and
YouTube presentation

Join us to pass legislation that would request those who profited from slavery to make amends, by contributing to a fund that would, be used to alleviate those affected by this condition.

Funds would be used to create awareness of the impact of this condition. Also used to provide assistance to descendants in business, education, physical and mental health, breaking the cycle of future generations having this disorder, exemplified by low self esteem, channeled anger, hopelessness about the future, depression and etc.
John Cheeks, of the [United States Citizens Recovery Initiative Alliance], has been working hard with leaders to draft and submit the legislation, DC Recovery Act, as a model for the U.S. Congress and states. We are asking your support by endorsement, financial contribution, and or an appearance at an event.
Join us to pass legislation that would require those who profited from slavery to make amends, by contributing to a fund that would, be used to alleviate those affected by this condition.

John Cheeks is willing to talk or meet with you. Your response by email or phone is appreciated. We need your support ---- and ideas.

Thanks for joining us on this journey.

We will acknowledge your contribution on our website, unless you would like to remain anonymous.

Donations can be made on or mailed to:
4433 P St. NW|
Washington, DC 20007

Ron Bonfilio, V.P. National Operations
(518) 423 5461

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